Online Auctions

Whether you're in search of vintage decor, reliable electronics, or timeless fashion, you’ll always find something in one of our online auctions. Click on the link below and then “current auctions,” then register and start bidding. We have multiple auctions each week, so check back often!

 Live Auctions

Our monthly live auctions take place on the fourth Friday of each month in the back room of our store. Enjoy a bag of fresh popcorn as you bid on high-quality products and antiques. Be sure to check out our event calendar so you don’t miss it!

Prebid with Confidence!

Our online and live auctions use HiBid for showing the items and bidding. The system utilizes a soft-close auction mechanism, which means that the time extends for each item if someone increases the bid near the end of the time limit, so there is no need to attempt to beat the clock with any of your bids. HiBid will notify you once your maximum bid has been surpassed.

If you’re unsure of your internet connection or availability at the time of the auction, place a prebid at the highest you’re willing to pay for each item. The system will automatically bid the next minimum bid for you until your maximum is reached. Don’t lose out due to bad timing! Start prebidding early and be more confident that you’ll win more at the end of the auction!

Shipping and Pickup

We do offer shipping for all live and online auctions for an additional fee. Any items due to ship will be sent out within 10 business days. For all auctions, any items must be picked up within a week of close of auction or they will be considered abandoned and returned to our possession. Pickup hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 11PM to 6PM or by appointment.